Since we here at Crunchy Milk do give a rat's ass about what our readership thinks, please send us a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will send you some background material on the One Red Paper Clip story.
And we will include, free of charge, one rat's ass.
Or you can read about it here.
On a separate topic, I'm not happy about the focus on panel 2 for today's strip. FYI, the Necromancer is holding a bag. I'm still shoppng around for a nice camera that will let me play about with depth of field. Ideally, I wanted a crisp background with a slightly out of focus foreground, but it worked out a bit fuzzy for both as a result. On the other hand, ever since I started taking pictures with the handycam instead of the Canon, the pictures have been easier to set up and take because the handycam has a remote control.
1 comment:
Mannue said last night that you'd want to know that more than four people read your strip. I'm five, and Mannue is six. Well, she's at least 18, otherwise she couldn't... I'm getting ahead of myself.
I'm using bloglines ("it's .com") for reading my news and RSS feeds, and it's not compatible with the orange radio icon thingy that you asked people to use.
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