In a lighter and less "potty-humour-oriented" vein, today I would like to introduce you to the first strip in the second element of our PLAYMOBIL® universe, "The NecRomantics", in which we discover that raising the living is a lot harder than raising the dead.
It's all so problematic... being an evil necromancer bent on destroying the kingdom and eventually reworking the world in your own dreadful image... and having to cope with all sorts of interruptions like a loving family, circle of friends, social occasions, PTA (Peasant/Tyrant Association) meetings, neighbours and employees (well, do-gooder boyscout apprentices, anyway).
And this isn't autobiographical in any way at all of course. Nope-nope-nope, not at all...
Here at Crunchy Milk, we wouldn't dare poke fun at family values, especially our own. Especially not with my dear, sweet, loving wife reading this comic within easy reaching distance of a genuine, 25-pound, red-bladed 1930's style fireman's axe and my 21 month old daughter busily and precociously learning how to fireball me repeatedly with her cinnamon-stick wand.
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