Yes, I feel silly now. Thanks again Aliza. Something *was* wrong: Blogspot moved their link and Feedburner couldn't cope. Those who were subscribing through the Atom link on the site were getting the site as per normal, m'self included.
No big. Think of it as delayed gratification. Now you get to read three weeks of... Oh. Right. Haven't posted in three weeks. ok, you get to re-read Sunday's "Monday comic" post again if you like.
Or you can read today's special NecRomantics Interlude. :)
And hey, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't come up with a name yet for either the Necromancer or the charming young lady with the ghostly ex-husband in Monday's strip. It's funny, but practically every last one of the other characters immediately stood up in my mind and named themselves, from the Baron von Poopenscoop and Peedles to Sailor Moon, Cap'n Pike and Sister Bluebird.
And to give credit where credit is due, I let my lovely and talented wife (my muse, natch) choose the name for Gwendy. She also came up with the nickname "Kazoo" for our currently cute and fuzzy dreadlord "K'Zuhl'A'Thoth" and with the aptly and very Lovecraftianly titled neighbourhood of Yag-Fthagn. This strip would not be half as niftily named if it weren't for her very own classy pizazz.
(And in case you're wondering, the husband already has a name, and he's one of the ones who stood up and named himself too. It's a little weird, but the characters really must percolate in my backbrain for a while sometimes because I get the feeling that they have fully developed little personalities right from the get-go...)
All this to say that if she doesn't name the Necromancer or our merry widow soon, you folks will get the chance. I don't have any prizes to give out, but the winner will get full and very obvious credit for the privilege of adding to what I'm sure will rapidly become a legend in my own mind.
(Now how's that for a sneaky way to get the comments flowing?)
Anyway, enjoy the interlude. And stay tuned tomorrow for the second part of our new arc.
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