Don't mind me, I just like watching myself type. It started with "skyclad" and sort of went south of the border, but skyclad reminds me of Wiccans, which reminds me of the time my wife went to a wascally wiccan wedding (heheheheheh, it's wabbit season...) and was asked, as part of the ceremony, to represent the spirit of the North. Her part of the ceremony involved eating a radish or some such thing (I kid you not, but you can feel free to ask her the next time you see her), which has always left me with a little giggly feeling inside every time I meet an overly dramatic Wiccan who has made a lifelong career of embracing their inner radish, or embracing the North radish or whatever silly thing.
The fact is that, unlike that particularly splendid example of goofyness, most of the wacky wiccans I know aren't really all that wacky. Quite the let-down, really. Ok, my friend the thunder-god "demonologist" who was unfortunately not allowed to marry us is a bit eccentric, but that's not nearly as radishy as all that. It's the dabblers that tend to go over the edge, the Craft-kiddies who watched one too many rentals of...well...The Craft. or Witches of Eastwick. Or maybe that first scene with where you get to see madonna's breasts in Four Rooms.
I'm not certain as to where this is going, but I'd better stop here. Anything that starts off with synonyms of naked, with radishes in the middle, and ending in Madonna's breasts can't be leading in a good direction.
Then again, I've another exam behind me, the Daycare Plagues I caught (two variants in two weeks!) finally broke today, and I get to sleep in tomorrow!
Those of you urbanites who still want to know more about embracing radishes, why not check out this book instead? Those of you hooked on the boobies of Our Lady of Material Girlness... just remember that those boobies turned turned 48 this year, which is only two weeks older than some of Michael Jackson's underlying deep bone structure.
Ok, for sure I'm stopping now. That last sentence had "Michael Jackson" and "deep bone" in the same sentence.
Type at ya later...